Anmeldebogen für Neupatienten


  • Clinic equipped with state-of-the-art technology: including latest generation 3D x-ray, guided implantology, intra-oral scanner instead of impressions, Zeiss surgical microscopes, Infoskop patient information system via iPad.
  • Dental prosthetics without impressions with the iTero 5 intra-oral scanner from Aligntech (experience with this since 2011)
  • Removable dental prosthetics are also a major focus for us. The precision methodology taught by Prof. Gutowski is part of our daily routine. It is also often possible to improve considerably the sit and function of existing dental prosthetics.
  • Implantology is a core activity in our clinic (with experience dating back to 1990) recognised by the German Dental Association (Zahnärztekammer). We only use the high-quality branded implants from Straumann.
  • 3D planning with DVT (Dental Volume Tomogram = three-dimensional x-ray), navigation with drill templates to enable the implants to be positioned optimally and as gently as possible using planning software from Dentalwings (CodiagnostiX) 15 years experience.
  • Tooth preservation by means of root canal treatment using a microscope (since 2000), torque-limited treatment with NiTi instruments, thermoplastic root canal fillings.
  • Microsurgical, minimally invasive treatment using an OP-Microscope or Zeiss magnifying glasses (8.6 x) with LED lighting.
  • Prophylaxis – professional dental cleaning – including 3 specially trained colleagues with many years‘ experience.
  • Aesthetic dentistry – bleaching, capping, dental prosthetics and fillings which are undetectable.
  • Functional analysis and therapy – treatment of muscular and mandibular joint disorders, CAD/CAM polycarbonate bite trays without impressions, CMD, function-oriented reconstructions, reconstruction after extensive remedial dental work, computer-aided mandibular joint diagnostics.
  • Digital x-rays – lower radiation exposure, environmentally friendly.
  • Rubber dam technique – achieves absolute oral dryness and improved work quality using a rubber sheet.